Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What are the .......... ?

1). What are the ten non-virtuous actions?
       i. Killing.
      ii. Stealing.
     iii. Indulging in sexual misconduct,
     iv. Telling lie
      v. Slandering
     vi. Using harsh word
    vii. Indulging in idle gossip
   viii. Being covetous
     ix. Harming others
      x. Upholding wrong views or philosophies

2). What are the four Noble Truths?
     i. The truths of suffering
    ii. The truths of cause of suffering
   iii. The truths of cessation
   iv. The truths of paths

3). What are the three types of sufferings?
     i. Suffering of suffering
    ii. Suffering of change
   iii. All-pervasive suffering

4). What are the three realms?
     i. Form realm
    ii. Formless realm
   iii. Desire realm

5). What are the four bodies of a Buddha?
     i. Nature truth body
    ii. Wisdom truth body
   iii. Complete enjoyment body
    iv. Emanation body

6). What are the two kinds of beings?
     i. Noble beings
    ii. Sentient beings

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