It was around 5:45pm and all the monks were already assembled infront of the monastery and having the glimpse of the gliding spire and religious wheel flanked by two deers at top. The wheel symbolizes unity of all things, spiritual law and Shakyamuni himself. There is a white board hanging with the big letter which reads as Sera Jey Monastic University. It was written in three main languages- Tibetan, English & Kannada. When the evening sun came at the horizon, the big walls of monastery were ablaze with golden radiance directly falling on it.

recitation of the texts. Our abbot had preached the sermon on the importance of such gathering.
After preforming ritual recitation(Sadhanas) for around 20-25 minutes, Chanting Master made the scheduled pause to be in deep meditation of Haya-Griva. Now, it is the time to visualize and reflect the qualities of Haya-Griva and recite the mantra - 'Hri Vajra Korta Haya Griva Hulu Hulu Hum Phed' in earnest.
Actually, it is the Sanskrit words and different monks read it in different pronunciation. The prayer hall was wrapped with pin-drop silence. An outsider can never believe it. There were more than 2ooo monks be seated in around 40 rows- each rows includes 45 to 50 monks. Starting from middle three rows one can notice the Rinpoches, Tulkus, Geshes (graduated after learning five major texts of Buddhism) and the most senior monks were sitting in meditative posture and chanting and reciting the mantra with full of intention. It has been around 7:30pm but there was still same silence prevails. "Are they alive or not"- I asked myself. I actually was really very tired. After sitting for more than an hour without motion (in folded leg) had made my back pain. I looked up to my friends and they were still in energetic mood. They had already finished chanting of the mantra 4ooo times within an hour. I counted mine, and it was much behind. I feel ashamed to say, it's a secret. As I was feeling uncomfortable, I turned my head to all the directions and just wondered in my own land. I thought I was the most naughtiest monks there. But I got some partners around me. There were three little kids of around 8-9 years with long rosaries on hand behind me. They were not chanting any mantras but just playing funny games with full of smiles on their faces. Right infront of me, there was a monk brooming his long beard and looking around like me. I could not control my emotions and laughed my lungs out. Not so far, there was a novice monk whose cheeks were still red and making various funny faces to others. The monks around him were giggling on him. He is no less than a comedian to those monks who sits near him. Some of the monks were just jotting down the counting of mantras. A monk at a bottom of line had written some short messages and was trying to pass it to his friend who is in the middle of the line. It's really funny. It was little cold during that time and the ceiling fans were on. I think some monks who sat beneath the fans might had allergy of cold. One monk angrily turned his face towards the monks who was near the door where all the switch boxes exist. He signalled him to turn off the fans. But the monks near the switch box didn't like his way of saying and didn't care his words. The sick monk wrote a message saying sorry and requested him to stop it. Then, the monk stopped the fan. After watching all these happenings, I was bit relaxed and tried to concentrate on reciting mantras. As soon as I tried to concentrate on the mantra, our Chanting Master restarted the recitation with his loud voice. So no more time to chant the mantras. Time and tide waits for none.
Actually, it is the Sanskrit words and different monks read it in different pronunciation. The prayer hall was wrapped with pin-drop silence. An outsider can never believe it. There were more than 2ooo monks be seated in around 40 rows- each rows includes 45 to 50 monks. Starting from middle three rows one can notice the Rinpoches, Tulkus, Geshes (graduated after learning five major texts of Buddhism) and the most senior monks were sitting in meditative posture and chanting and reciting the mantra with full of intention. It has been around 7:30pm but there was still same silence prevails. "Are they alive or not"- I asked myself. I actually was really very tired. After sitting for more than an hour without motion (in folded leg) had made my back pain. I looked up to my friends and they were still in energetic mood. They had already finished chanting of the mantra 4ooo times within an hour. I counted mine, and it was much behind. I feel ashamed to say, it's a secret. As I was feeling uncomfortable, I turned my head to all the directions and just wondered in my own land. I thought I was the most naughtiest monks there. But I got some partners around me. There were three little kids of around 8-9 years with long rosaries on hand behind me. They were not chanting any mantras but just playing funny games with full of smiles on their faces. Right infront of me, there was a monk brooming his long beard and looking around like me. I could not control my emotions and laughed my lungs out. Not so far, there was a novice monk whose cheeks were still red and making various funny faces to others. The monks around him were giggling on him. He is no less than a comedian to those monks who sits near him. Some of the monks were just jotting down the counting of mantras. A monk at a bottom of line had written some short messages and was trying to pass it to his friend who is in the middle of the line. It's really funny. It was little cold during that time and the ceiling fans were on. I think some monks who sat beneath the fans might had allergy of cold. One monk angrily turned his face towards the monks who was near the door where all the switch boxes exist. He signalled him to turn off the fans. But the monks near the switch box didn't like his way of saying and didn't care his words. The sick monk wrote a message saying sorry and requested him to stop it. Then, the monk stopped the fan. After watching all these happenings, I was bit relaxed and tried to concentrate on reciting mantras. As soon as I tried to concentrate on the mantra, our Chanting Master restarted the recitation with his loud voice. So no more time to chant the mantras. Time and tide waits for none.

After that, our Chanting Master continued the recitation making some low pitch sound which can be heard from long distance away. Once again the atmoshpere of prayer hall filled up by charming recitaion of thousands of monks that recites in same range. Atlast, we were at the climax. It was time for saying some auspicious verses. I turned around and noticed that all of the monks were in lotus folded hand. Some of them closed their eyes very strongly and showing very faithful emotions on their faces. Our Chanting Master recited some dedication prayers and we recited with him by closing our eyes and reflecting the kindness of His Holiness and all the great masters from the very core of our heart. We visualized Haya-Griva infront of us and prayed for the world peace.

-By a monk of Sera Jey Monastery
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